14.07.2013. Oberwart (A) CACIB

Judge: Horak Karel (CZ)

Total number of dogs presented: 14

Pictures on Facebook by Pál Csík

Pictures by Otakar Wolf



Class Result Name Sire/Dam Breeder/Owner
Puppy Very Promising 1 Luca-Guard Captain Bangaru ÖJCH, ÖCH Tyron vom Welland x HJCH, ROJCH, ROCH Luca-Guard Akvamarin Breeder: József Kirják
Owner: Otakar Wolf
Youth Exc1, Jugendbester, Best Junior Amadeus Mozart vom Welland ÖJCH, ÖCH Tyron vom Welland x Quirina vom Welland Breeder: Sabine Klippel
Owner: Sabine Klippel and Mathias Schröder
Youth Exc2 Quirin of Lion-Dream Larendo Zolo vom Löwengarten x Namupalan Giallo Fantasia Breeder: Petra Krömer-Streitwein
Owner: Andrea Kremser
Intermediate Exc1, CACA, CACIB, BOB Anakin Skyrim Maxilev Nando-Junior Leo vom Jerichower Land x Ymachris Indiana Diamond Breeder and owner: Jana Orolínová
Intermediate Exc2 Laser Bug of the Bernese Garden Bugsy Roy Arcondia x Sconfinato Grande Nina Breeder: Marie-Therese Rooisackers
Owner: Otakar Wolf
Open Exc1, CACA Mischa Löwe vom Zschopautal Duvasgardens Perfect Puzzel x Inca Löwe vom Zschopautal Breeder and owner: Edmund Schulz
Champion Exc1, CACA, Res.CACIB Bruce Diego vom Watzekwald Ungar Ursus vom Matthiasberg x Chimera vom Schloss Rio Breeder: Andrea Gollob
Owner: Helmut Novy
Champion Exc2 Tyron vom Welland Kwenobe Balfen Aplin x Fiona Fabrice vom Welland Breeder: Sabine Klippel
Owner: Sabine Klippel and Mathias Schröder



Class Result Name Sire/Dam Breeder/Owner
Youth Exc1, Jugendbeste, BOS Winterhart-Weissgold Dorka-Dia ICH, SRBCH, ROCH, ROGrCH Marcali-Szépe Floyd x ICH, HJCH, HCH, HGrCH, HShCH, ROCH, ROGrCH, HDW, Ch of Ch '11 Inka-Inez vom Dreiburgenland Breeder and owner: Pál Csík
Youth Exc2 Ribana vom Dreiburgenland ÖJCH, ÖCH Tyron vom Welland x Layana Z vom Löwengarten Breeder and owner: Mathias Schröder and Sabine Klippel
Youth Very Good 3 Zorina vom Welland Larendo Zolo vom Löwengarten x Jenna vom Welland Breeder: Sabine Klippel
Owner: Edmund Schulz
Intermediate Exc1, CACA Xenia vom Welland Larendo Zolo vom Löwengarten x Fiona Fabrice vom Welland Breeder: Sabine Klippel
Owner: Sabine Klippel and Mathias Schröder
Open Exc1, CACA, CACIB Winterhart-Weissgold Chandra "Cathy" HJCH, HCH, HGrCH, ROCH, ÖCH, SKCH Hank Vom Welland x HJCH, HCH Cony Z Polnáku Breeder and owner: Pál Csík
Open Exc2, Res.CACA Phaidra-Persephone Löwe von Walhall Kairo Löwe von Blumengarten x Geidriful Löwe von Walhall Breeder and owner: Natterer Yvonne